Member-only story
Does it ever strike you that increasingly we are seeing change and mystery dominant in our lives? Change itself can be mysterious. Where am I, where am I going, and why?
I look to what seems important to our society. I will not discuss politics and our president come dictator.
Do I see only what is important to me, what I look for, or am I an objective observer?
For me, the most impressive subject flashing brightly on us all is the UFO/UAP issue which seems to be increasingly brought before us with congressional hearings, the “drone” mystery, and authentic sightings around the world, together with the occasional abduction stories from credible people.
No longer is this subject laughed at or dismissed as trailer park silliness. This subject is now generally recognized as real, but most of our citizens avoid paying it great attention. Even most of us who may have seen these events in our skies chose to avoid serious consideration of what is happening. The mystery is just too great for many.
The most interesting and important aspect of UFO/UAP is the clear but mysterious involvement with psychic/spiritual experiences. Often experiencers report enhancement of these most crucial parts of our personalties.
That the Phenomenon (P) involves our spiritual growth, mysterious as it is, calls our attention to the great importance of the P.
There is no aspect of human life more important to us all…