Rip Parker
2 min read5 days ago

We want to read a reaffirming, positive review of ourselves, therefore many will not be attracted by this title, raising the question, do we prefer truth or simply a feel good affirmation? We must remember, there is always hope if we will engage.

Any truth I might speak here is a personal view and far from complete, but is there any truth in it?

Seeking context, where am I personally? How does my psychology influence my view of life?

We all die as humans. I feel much closer to death as Rip Parker now than ever before. I am in contest, at 87 years old, with a broken hip. Reasonable recovery so far with my first step in becoming a bionic man; a new metal hip.

So, I suppose I’m not as positive now as I like to be.

Nonetheless, let us together look at the nature of being human.

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Our entertainment tells volumes about our inclinations. We are entertained by violence, winner-looser contests. Life for us is largely “us vs them” — winners and losers.

We lie more easily than speak truth. We consistently seek our personal advantage whatever the cost to others. By design, we must kill life and consume it to survive. Seldom are we truly thankful for the sacrifice of life for our maintenance. “That is just the way it is.”

Yes, much of our nature is by design, yet we are increasingly aware of our powers and responsibilities as creators, even…



Rip Parker

Geophysicist, lawyer, mediator, student of Jung, phenomenology, semiotics