Again, i greatly enjoy reading serious shit by you, and smiling with you, not at you. “Scientists” and politicians have great difficulty saying, “I was wrong. No, I don’t know what I pretended to know, or just ignore.” Ass covering is what it is all about at the Pentagon, and politicians, cognizant of the dilemma, are comfortably willing to just let it roll - down hill, until it crashes, which it will. It what? The lies and ignorance regarding UFO/UAP and alien presence. What these boys and girls (mostly boys) don’t realize is they are standing in the way of the giant truth rolling down hill. SMASH is coming.
Patience is required, up to a point, and that point is rapidly approaching. Frankly, I’m about there now. We pay these guys to work for us. Either do your fucking job for me or you are fucking FIRED! Got it?
Big talk from a shadow in the woods, a nobody, but the Shadow is the one who Knows. Look out, smart asses. I am behind you, observing, capable of action you have not imagined. I wait only a short while longer. When action comes, it will be from an invisible source, unrelated on the surface to you or me, John. The victims will be unable to connect any dots. There will be no dots. Out of the wild blue yonder comes the power, and truth will be held high, by that invisible force. It is beginning to happen as we speak.