As usual, your analysis is accurate. What are the specific actions that must be taken now? You have repetitively laid out the consequences of taking necessary action, but the specific of who does what now are an immense problem.
Without a man like you who sees the problem with clear eyes being able to list in outline fashion who must pay what to whom to accomplish what, is there any pragmatic hope for truly effective, prompt action.
Bemoaning and once again spelling out the problem is necessary, and you do it well. But, immediately following that diagnosis of our worldwide illness, we must have immediately presented specific steps proposed for actually beginning NOW to begin FIXING the problem.
Without you and others like you spelling out to Congress what must be initiated NOW to immediately begin curing our illness, we do not have a prayer of saving ourselves.
Even when necessary action is listed in a simple, clear manner, the likelihood Congress will stop political bickering and take the big initial hit to the economy to stare action NOW is extremely close to zero. This is notwithstanding that long term projections can easily and soundly save our economy which is now in a headlong dive to oblivion.
Forgive my presumptuous, and critical sounding suggestions.
Note, I offer none of what I suggest we need by way of specific NOW action.
You are the man for that.
I became aware, as a geophysicist of anthropogenic climate change forty years ago. I now have see “change” morph into crisis over the last fifteen years. I saw the economic powers driving it. They still are.
I fear our intense greed for short term profits will remain in control.
We may be witnesses to the the downfall of our canabalistic capitalism, and perhaps our civilization.