As virtually always, I find your comments on target. I greatly admire and am grateful for your Galileo project. It should provide very important information. But, there is always the Big Butt, I am surprised and disappointed in your joining in the idea that we must look at the Phenomenon through the lens of our current understanding of physics. I think it unmistakably clear that the objectors, the aerial phenomena we observe far surpass our current understanding of physics. We have much to learn, and a closed mind has ruled out new learning. The Phenomenon is in no way “supernatural”. It is entirely natural by utilizing a physics we are yet to learn. We will not learn until we recognize the need to learn the “new physics” that describes the actions of the Phenomenon.
Thank you for your bold courage to seek the answers to the phenomenon.
Musk does not know how to LOOK, how to open his eyes to what is in front of his face. Brilliant as he is, he has some blind spots. Nobody is perfect.