At least every other generation feels like it is part of a great awakening, and in some sense it is true.. The error seems to be that the sense of change seems more rapid than it is. There are expectations of virtual immediate breakthrough.
“Jesus is arriving any day now.” “Honey, you better take the trash out. He isn’t here yet”.
Each “awakening” feels special, and to some degree it is. I feel, along with you and many more, that this “Shift” is different. It seems to have more power than usual, at least it seems so through looking back at history without having lived it.
I think you have an important insight in the recognition of the role played by the internet in our common sense of change. This seems to be a new event where our technology actually contributes to spiritual advance. It usually is the other way around. Our Immediate communication around the world connects the pockets of increased consciousness. This greatly enhanced communication has never been available before now, and it is not by chance that our technology and our collective awakening are coordinating together to clearly put all of us in the threshold of transformation.
Being in the threshold is not a comfortable experience. We are no longer in the familiar territory we have known up to now, and we do not yet know the territory toward which we are headed. We tend to think of thresholds as being narrow, quickly traversed areas, but it is not necessarily so. Some extremely important thresholds toward transformation can be more like a tunnel of great length than a gateway. The threshold in which we find ourselves is more tunnel-like. I’m not sure exactly when we entered it, how long we have been in it, or how much longer we have to walk through it. I am sure there is only one way out, and that is forward. Some see the light at the end now. A few have entered the light, but our language, our word concepts can’t adequately communicate the reality that they have entered. Like through a glass darkly we view our reality.
Yes, this Shift is different and far more rapid than any before. Hang on. This thrilling ride is getting faster every day.
Thank you for your wise thoughts. Thoughts are wise when they stimulate more thinking, as yours have.