Member-only story
It is 2:41 A.M., Sept. 11, 2021. I woke up at 2:A.M. This is what my mind is doing. Am I being controlled even as I speak of “mind control”?
How often do you respond to Siri, on the phone or otherwise, with,
“Thank you”, as if you are talking to a sentient being? I do it regularly, and feel stupid, because I am. My mind is being controlled by a technological monster, our modern day Frankenstein.
The monster has an intent, a will. It “wants” to direct us toward seeing adds which will entice us to spend money. The will of the machine, algorithms in the computers that are the brain of the beast we have created.
How did this happen? Because we, as a nation of Homo sapiens, worship a false god, the golden idle of money. That is our god.
What is “God”? Is it not that to which we devote ourselves, that which we compulsively seek to serve, that which demands our attention and the majority of our thinking? The most important thing in our lives?
Our “god” is money, not a concept of the Divine Creator, the Great Mind of the Universe which has given us birth. The vast majority of our energies, our time, our thinking is devoted to the worship of this false god, money.
Thus, we create corporations, artificial creatures dedicated to the single goal of making money. We create computers as the brains of the monsters we have created.