A suggestion of the existence of “real magic” will cause many to read no further. That is good. They are not ready to give reasonable attention to one of the grandest mysteries of our incarnation as human beings.
Most of us have serious doubts regarding “real magic”. I am required to, a bit uncomfortably, propose and explore the idea that there is among all of us now this extraordinary power. We swim in and are of it.
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(Interestingly, my typing was just interrupted by the sudden publication of Frank Onterio’s article, “Consciousness/Soulmates Energy Stories”.
I have not yet read it, but must do so before finishing this writing. I assume Frank’s writing is connected to this one. Could it be an example of my subject? We will see.)
Serious consideration of real magic invites, indeed requires, significant “open mindedness”, with free-flowing exploration. For me this is a refreshing and exciting experience. For some it may be somewhat daunting.
I will approach our subject from the standpoint of the amazing malleability of our material world as it is profoundly and creatively influenced by our magical interaction with it, whether accomplished consciously or unconsciously.
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(At 1:06 AM, I must take time out, and let this subject simmer for a time to see what develops. I know I will not dance lightly across this profound yet delicate subject. Before continuing I will read Frank’s contribution.
I am prompted now to offer thanks to the Universal Source for bringing me into this exploration.)
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4:00 PM
Frank speaks of soul mates, love, likes, dislikes, and human relationships. This is directly involved with the magic of our humanity. I’ll not attempt to comment further on his writings, but highly recommend them to you. He is deep, accurate, truthful. Although he does not mention magic, I see it implied.
It is through our human relationships that we experience the purest magic of our lives. Our interactions with one another create the vitality that shapes who we are and directs the course of our lives in a truly magical way causing manifestation in this world which would not otherwise occur.
That is what magic is about, bringing forth in real, tangible fashion events and circumstances that were not, and would not be, but for the operation of unseen, un-understood energies.
Examples of our participation in magic are unnumbered. Do you pray? Do you occasionally hope for that which not is? If so, you are calling for magic.
When we ask, even by hopping for, the unseen powers of creativity, the Universe, God, the Fates, for aid of any sort, we are inviting magic to enter our lives.
Anytime we see what seems to be an answer to prayer, we see magic at work. It is at work, whether seen or not.
Life itself is magical.
We are not accidental events living meaningless lives. We have been created out of the Universal mind, and become real and meaningful. This is magic.
It is not disrespectful to attribute the mysterious action of the Divine Source to magic, for the Source created and applies energies that are for us magic. Magic is at the heart of the existence and operation of the Universe and all that is.
Webster defines magic in terms of supernatural forces. This idea tends to turn many of us away from considering magic. I see anything we might describe as “paranormal” or supernatural as being entirely normal and natural, just not yet fully understood.
There is a multitude of events in this Universe, in our lives, that we do not understand, but they are more than “real”. Our failure to currently understand an event does not take that event out of the natural course of things.
When we consider that the underlying energy of magic is the essence of all creative and destructive forces, we must realize that conscious involvement with it, whether through prayer, sincere hope, or otherwise requires utmost respect and caution.
We magical creatures live as a consequence of and in the heart of magical forces, and therefore, know it or not, routinely access the powers of these forces. We exercise magic, and thereby affect the realities of our world in the most powerful ways.
This concept is not easily grasped. I ask, “If I have these powers, why have I allowed such terrible events to occur in my life and around the world?” We must realize that our access to magic is a most mysterious event. We cannot utilize magic to accomplish all things we might desire. There are many unknown variables.
First, I, and perhaps you, fail to routinely appreciate the fact I am directly involved with these powers. Our ignorance tends to shut the door to our natural powers, and perhaps rightfully so. The last thing that should happen is to utilize magical powers in ignorant ways.
This happens around our world and results in the most horrific events of our lives. Wars and pestilence of every sort arise out of our ignorant exercise of magical forces that shape the minds of men.
This gets us to the most common, promising and dangerous exercise of magical powers, almost always done so in ignorance. That exercise is the power of thought and emotion to shape our minds, and as a result the mind of others.
Our minds, both conscious and unconscious, determine who and what we are, believe, and do or do not. It is a fact that our minds influence the minds of others, sometimes powerfully so.
Those of like minds tend to attract each other into groups which then exercise “group think”. Then our individual minds become directed by the “mind” of the group, and we lose our abilities to actually think on our own. We become “brainwashed” and controlled by the group we find ourselves in.
When this happens it is generally an unconscious operation. We fail to be able to realize our thoughts are no longer our thoughts, originating in our own minds, but are the thoughts of others who control the group mind.
We greatly resist any suggestion that when controlled by the thoughts and opinions of others, it is not our thinking but their thinking that controls us. We rationalize that we are in control, that our thoughts and opinions are ours alone.
This can be likened unto a sort of “possession”, but it normally is not a possession by an external spirit, much less “demon”. The “group mind” can act like an individual spirit, but it is generally not.
Wait a minute, “generally not”? Yes. There are occasions when a group mind can become so constituted that it gains a level of independence, much like a Golum, Baku, the Tibetan Tulpa, and many other thought form creatures that are real manifestations found in every culture.
This idea sounds preposterous to most of us raised in a Western, scientific culture, but the long history from around the world presents us with this very mysterious reality.
A good example is the story of “Phillip” which can be found in Wikipedia. A Canadian group decided to make up a fake individual and seek to experiment with mediumship to see if it would manifest.
After some long time, their character showed up. It became more and more active, manifesting as if it were a real deceased human spirit. It began to exercise physical events, moving tables, etc.
This is a good example of the thought form manifestations mentioned above. They can gain levels of reality in our world, become independent, and can become quite troublesome.
I encourage you to check “Phillip” out, beginning with the Wikipedia story, but don’t stop there. The story raises many difficult questions. This is an example of magic bringing forth interesting and even dangerous consequences that challenge of concepts of reality.
A research of the nature and history of Tulpas can be informative.
The story of “Phillip” is one of group magical experimentation. It is a mind-bending example of the caution needed when playing with magic. It also demonstrates how a group think mind can raise unexpected consequences.
Obviously, I am alluding to the power of “political parties”. I cannot avoid directly addressing our current frightening circumstances regarding the former Republican Party. It is now a cult which attracts demented minds seeking power.
A good example of this is the new Speaker of the House, picked by the “Republican” majority. He is a 2020 election denier following Trump, in spite of the fact 60 law suites making this claim were thrown out due to lack of evidence.
He also is a climate change denier, and seeks to wipe out social security, which would be a virtual genocidal action against the elderly who depend on SS to survive.
I do not write this to stir political debate, but to give real life examples of the power of group think to call together people who live in false realities, and demonstrate irrational thoughts and opinions.
The power of mind to mind influence in “magical” fashion is awesomely dangerous. We have seen many examples of this throughout history, one of the most accessible examples being the events of the 1930’s and 1940’s in Nazi Germany.
The Nazi’s appealed to a massive mind control program that was extraordinarily effective, largely due to its effective use of psychic manipulations, stimulating the unconscious arising of powerful, inherited inclinations.
This was a form of magic used for the most horrific form of mind control. Some will question whether this was “magic” or merely ordinary psychology. This is a good question.
The argument for the involvement of magical forces is supported by the extreme power of the Nazi agenda which took essentially good minds and twisted them into a form of mass insanity.
I propose that this required the involvement of psychic powers growing out of the energies of magic. This is one of the best examples I know of the dangers of applying magical energies.
On the other hand, we have well recorded, credible histories of physical healings that cannot be explained by our current medical knowledge, and which show the involvement of what we can only call magical energies.
So, we come full circle regarding the implementation of magical energies for creation and destruction. My point is that I think we must seriously consider the nature of magic and recognize we cannot avoid it.
Magic is to be consciously turned to the service of creation, toward enhancing our condition as evolving human beings, the magical creatures that we are.
This recognition and effort lies at the heart of our Shift to greater consciousness. Our individual and joint attention to our reality is leading to our next great step in evolution, with is essentially a spiritual evolution that has already begun.
It is for us to decide to recognize the implications of magic in our lives, and chose — join in, or forget it.
Either way, we will live the consequences of our choices.