Exactly. As always, well said and agreed. I have had glimpses of the “super” in me, arising on their own and not upon request or expectation. While writing my toast for my daughters wedding, I was writing, “The baby eagle is ready to leave the nest for the first time, to stretch her wings and leap from the nest , and learn she can fly.” As I wrote those words, a stuffed toy eagle my daughter, Gina, had given me, knowing the very special, syncronistic meaning the eagle has for me, having been sitting on a high shelf in my closet for years, at that instant suddenly “flew” to the floor. There have been a few other random super events, but never anything near what you experience, just enough to give me a taste of what lurks withing me. You are blessed, my friend, and thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. I am honored.
As you recognize, psychokinetic energies are healing energies, “mind over matter”. Gina is especially close to the interface, and in her presence I have witnessed many remarkable events, but the flight of the eagle was connected to my psyche.
I look forward to reading more of your materials. You handle your gifts very gracefully. That is one reason you are entrusted with them, no ego-tripping allowed. Thank you for the reference. I’m pulling it up now.