First I need to express a little concern that you may become a victim of the self fulfilling prophecy. I gather you are in your early 70s and you suggest you may be in your last decade of life. At age 85, I feel you have much more to learn and contribute, so please keep an open mind. I had these thoughts before reading about you memories of your past life and your considerable psychic gifts, or burdens, however you see it from time to time. I now have greater appreciation for my presumptuous thoughts. You are the sort who may be prescient regarding your future. Only you can judge that.
Personally, selfishly, I’d like to see you stick around for as long as possible. You are a gifted person, not only with your unusual psychic abilities, but also with your high level of communication skills. You are a gifted writer. We need you on this crazy planet, the insane asylum run by the inmates. Please don’t be in a rush to go home to fully discover your real need for this rather uncomfortable life. No doubt there is good reason for your volunteering for this adventure.
I look forward to hearing more of your insights. I have a LOT to learn.
Thank you for it all.