First word: EXCELLENT. That comes after shoving the smaller portion of my ego into a cage so it can settle down and avoid the trip it would love to take.
Having read your outstanding article, nodding approval all the way through it, and thinking you and I, from my perspective are spiritual twins. I recognize my sneaky ego squeezed in that little self applause, but no apologies. I recognize you were born first, and continue to set our pace.
You honor me beyond mere gratitude.
I have discovered several like minded brothers and sisters on medium, but not quite with whom I feel the fullness of harmony I experience with you. Finishing that sentence, four names popped to mind I must recognize (without naming) as being on the same level as you. We are blessed with a great family.
I now remember the moment back in 1964 when sitting in my home office the conviction came to mind with certainty that so long as science and spirituality are faithful to their pursuit of Truth they are certain to join as one.
Now, back for my second of three reads of your near masterpiece.
The best I can do now is say the sincerest THANKS that I feel but can’t fully express. Thanks for your humble clarity of thought and eloquent writing style.