Frank, I have come to know and respect you. Your great imagination makes your fiction very entertaining. The information in this informative article coming from most anyone else would be doubted. Coming from you, it is exciting. I am far behind you. Compared to you, my vibrational rate barely ticks. I am learning, and that is why I’m here. No complaints, cautious to avoid presumptions and reaching too far beyond my grasp. I am undoubtedly older than you. Seems I’m older than everyone by God, at birth certificate age of 85. My biological age varies day to day to some degree, but is holding nicely well below the 85, but of course I have to daily work at it.
A dear friend of mine, an MD Jungian psychiatrist who worked with me as I approached becoming a qualified Jungian analyst, which I was required to shelve due to economic demands when just six months short of certification, all for the better - too long a story for now - anyway, James and a friend found themselves working with the Twelve after I had moved on toward mediation. During that time he suffered a severe stroke. He had to communicate through a computer, not able to speak. I always wondered what role the 12 played in his life.
I’ve heard of them from other sources. They seem authentic.
I am not yet called to have direct, conscious interaction with entities from the other side, but I increasingly sense their presence. Dreams play a transformative role in my life, therefore the in depth study of Dr. Jung. I’ll stop this unsolicited and too long personal story, and simply say I deeply appreciate you and your work. You know you are gifted and called.
Have you written books? If not, I strongly encourage you tol