Glancing back over your interesting comments, during half time in the Cowboy’s game against the Seahawks , I am gratified by your compliments regarding my writing, then you point out I am a lier. I need your help regarding what lies I tell. If we tell an untruth without knowing it, it isn’t a lie, it is just ignorance. I will reread your comments more carefully when football isn’t on my mind, but in the meantime, I need a little help from you. Oh yea, maintaining hope is NOT the final goal. It only paves a path to discover the final truth.
Are you familiar with the concept of the Shadow as presented by Jung? If so, I would expect you to see the allegorical nature of this little adventure. If not, I suggest you explore that subject.
Somehow, your compliments fall a bit flat due to you accusations of my being a lier.