Member-only story
We observe you with respectful curiosity. Some of you feel disrespected due to the abduction stories you have heard or participated in. This is a multifaceted story we will not address at this time. We encourage you to look beyond your usual limited perspective. You can, if you will.
We have been with you throughout your history. We are, due to what is for you a mysterious connection you call “psychic”, associated with what you call “spiritual”. We encourage you to keep your mind open, avoiding premature conclusions regarding what you call good vs. evil. Some will find what seems like elements of both in us.
As some of your wisest observers have pointed out, we have, compared to you, great powers and abilities. We are much further evolved than you. For us, you are yet quite primitive, still in the stage of potential self-destruction. Many throughout our Universal home have failed to survive this stage of dangerous development where technology overwhelms judgement.
We wonder if you will, even though we are not limited to your primitive perceptions of linear time, which has served you pragmatically in dealing with your dream reality.
We have found our way into what you call The Eternal Now, where all occurrences over all “time” coexist at once and your and our perceptions of this overwhelming reality depends on the location of the observer in the Now of ongoing creation, destruction, and recreation, all happening instantaneously.