I didn’t watch it, for obvious reasons, but my son in law, a brilliant guy who is, like many others as a teenager, brainwashed by Rush Lindbaugh into political insanity, as are all MAGAS, watched thankfully without comment. He knows better. We get along great because we do not discuss politics. My point is, you cannot reason insanity out of insanity. MAGAS will remain MAGAS, and I doubt there is one MAGA out of a thousand who will learn anything not already ignored by them. I also doubt there are many if any by now on the fence re Trump. I’ve considered your points. They are well taken, but I must join the nay sayers on this one. That fake town hall was no more than a free campaign opportunity. I agree with Tim. If there is a fence sitter by now, that presentation did more to normalize than to inform. Thinking people by now aren’t fence sitters, and unthinking Trumpites will not be informed by virtue of the fact they are politically insane, incapable of reasoned thought.
Note, otherwise sane and productive people are often either religiously or politically insane. Those issues are established more by emotion than thought, thus they are avoided in polite conversation.
Thanks for your thoughts, John. They are worthy of consideration, but I’ve registered my disagreement.