I greatly enjoy how you write about serious stuff, and make me smile all the way through. Kirkpatrick is, according to people who know him well, fully informed regarding government knowledge of aliens. Yes, he is a liar to Congress, but note, he, as a curtesy, was not sworn in, making it easier to do what they knew he would. He is just one more of the long line of Pentagon builders of the stone wall.
It is also interesting that Loeb agreed with Kirkpatrick that we need to analyze the UFO/UAP issue from the standpoint of restricting the analysis to currently known physics. Absurd. Do so, and tic tacs show we get nowhere.
The evidence for the presence of non human intelligence is overwhelming, and the new physics comes with the package. Calling NHI aliens seems ok to me. That does not imply the source of the NHI is other planets, or other dimensions. It leaves the question of origin open, but that technological superiority revealed in their new physics requires we admit they are alien to us. Being alien, as we are to them, does not imply “enemy” in any way. We are much more inclined to the violence that would label US and the enemy to NHI. We are primitive and violently stupid, but they know that by now. That’s why they don’t want interaction with us. “Deals with us?” Bullshit. They are not stupid like us.
Your take on Musk was spot on, so I have nothing more to offer on him.
GOOD WORK John. Thank you.