I’m pushing 80 from the opposite direction, being 86, working on 87. I decided in late 70s to not go quietly into that dark night. Older age is better than the alternative. As long as there is life, there is hope for MORE and better life. I seem to have successfully managed thus far, with no small amount of positive thinking to the point of believing, to the point of KNOWING, to differentiate chronological age from biological age. There is, or can be, a great difference. I am encouraged by reading a few days ago that the medical profession is finally recognizing the truth of my experience by recognizing our ability to enhance cerebral function by growing new neuro-connections at any age. It is now recognized medical fact that our minds can exercise creative influence over our bodies, even in later life, at any age. I have seen and lived out this recognition for a number of years. It works. It is never too late to begin.
I am experiencing the benefits of an increasingly younger biological age, recognizing no one lives in these bodies for ever (who would want to?).
The time will come when all the positive thinking, Chi Kung, Tia Che, etc. has reducing impact on biological age, and I must ready myself for the welcomed transition, but until that time forces itself upon me, I’ll not invite it to do so.