Interesting thinking. For me, the fifth dimension is pure speculation. “Distance shrinks , and time expands”. These are 3D speculations that overlook the fact, and it is a fact, that “time” and “space” are not separate concepts, but are one fabric. To move in space is to move in time because they are one. “Shrinking” and “expanding” presume a separation between the concepts of linear time and space, but there is none. In fact, there is no linear time. The eternal now only appears to morph in a linear fashion from the conceptual view of 3D depending on place of perception. I don’t understand the meaning of “exponential gravity concentration”. How do we know, since we can’t in any manner other than speculation “observe” a fifth dimension.
It is interesting to think on 4D/5D and the UFO/UAP Phenomenon. We experience UFO/UAP in our 3D world, but they present characteristics more consistent with a 4D, psychic/spiritual reality, seemingly entering and exiting our 3D. For me, UFO/UAP are likely a phenomenon of the 4D reality interacting with our 3D reality. If that is the case, their “magical” actions are no surprise. UFO/UAP clearly has a psychic nature.