It isn’t murder to kill when you have to eat. Animals, fish, birds understand what you do not. Only humans murder.
So, your issue is why did god creatures that must kill to survive if it is a god of love? Good question that you will understand when you get the chance to ask it of the only one who knows.
I can only guess there must be a reasonable purpose for this that I too need some answers for. But, unlike you apparently think, I’d not presume to have a better idea, considering the decision to create through the process of evolution vs zapping everything into place. Creation through evolution is more fun. Ask deVinci or Michelangelo. Their creations were also evolutionary.
The joy of creation is in the process.
I thank you for stimulating this thinking.
I may have sounded presumptuously critical of your deep thoughts. If so, I apologize. No criticism intended. You have the courage of integrity. I greatly admire that. Again, thanks for stirring the pot.