John, for me this is one of your finest essays. You weave a tapestry of connectedness, of oneness and make more real for us, even us like me already immerced in this line of thought, the connections we share, the Oneness of life, of all existence. As you know, and present so well, this is real, more real than ordinary experience of corporeal life. Thank you, my friend. You run DEEP, and I join you in the wonderful swim. Now, did I just add to your direction? I hope so, for you add to mine. You know better than most what I just said. Thank you, my friend. As you know, friendship is founded on common interest and positive intention, mutual acceptance of beliefs held in common.
Should I experience an intimate relationship with a ghost or other incorporeal entity, you will be one of the first to hear about it, because you are one of the few who "get it". Do I hope for it? I don't run from it, nor do I seek it. Seeking might push it away. I'm just here, playing "wait and see", accepting what comes, or does not.