My 5 encounters spread from the pre- Kenneth Spring of 1947 to a few weeks ago. I’ve never been frightened, only curious. I’ve studied most everything I could get my hands on regarding UFO/UAP. I’ve never doubted the reality, nor have I ever drawn conclusions regarding the several possible natures of the phenomenon.
My first and last encounters were the most personal. In the first, the object immediately reacted to our presence by coming straight toward us just over the highway then immediately taking an immediate right angle right over our
car and disappearing at high speed.
It was like “Hello, goodbye “.
The last one, a single white light, moved at slow gradual rate at about 10 to 15000’
elevation generally in my direction over Bryan Tx. As it neared, after about 45 sec. observation, I thought, “Ok, if you happen to be a true ‘Unidentified’, why don’t you come more in my direction so I can get a better look”.
Immediately upon thinking the word “look”, the light blinked out, leaving no trace of lights in the sky. There was never a sound - just gone.
The message, “We have no business together at this time”. I laughed and said aloud, “Ok, you’re just fucking with my mind. Goodbye.”