Member-only story
I consider myself in polite company on Medium, yet I violate the first principal for civil discussion by laying open here one of the two “thou shalt nots” in polite discussions — POLITICS — and I hate doing so, but I must, for my sake in in my need to vent. If you aren’t up to this, I don’t blame your for bugging out now.
As writer, I could not bug out, but if I were in your shoes, I might be gone following this sentence.
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The current controllers of that organization that was once the Republican political party have dramatically altered the meaning of the word “conservative”.
Back when I occasionally, as an independent, voted Republican, “conservative” meant what Liz Chaney and a hand full of other faithfuls seem committed to now. That is as follows:
- Keep the nation secure with an up to date and up to speed military, ready to respond to any direct challenge, but not trying to change other nations into what we think they should be. Live and let live. Recognize what is our business, and mind it.
- Run the nation in as business like manner as possible. Avoid excess, unnecessary debt. Get as close to a balanced budget as possible, but not at the sacrifice of the health and wellbeing of our citizens, regardless of age, creed, race, color, education. Basic needs for life were expected to be met without enabling laziness or failure of each citizen to do their best for themselves.