Member-only story
Ever been angry with God? Sure you have, and probably are now about something, admit it or not.
Just tonight, minutes ago, I finally found the courage to admit the truth. I am pissed off at the Almighty Divine God, the Source of all, my Source, the Ineffable. (Does that mean God can’t be “effed”?)
I won’t tell you why I am angry — too personal. I am not angry with the person that brought this about. He can’t help it.
Yes, I know, God knows what He’s doing, and it’s all for the better, yada yada. But, I’m still pissed off. So there. I’ve admitted this completely nonsensical feeling.
Irrational? Sure. But, I’m more honest than I was ten minutes ago, and it frankly feels pretty good.
I’m being irrational? Yep. Most superficial emotions are irrational. Is being irrational a sin? I don’t think so. It’s just human, and being what God made us to be can’t be a sin. I don’t give a damn about the utter nonsense of the fundamentalists who talk about “being born a sinner in need of redemption”. That is utter nonsense. The God Jesus tells us about does not create born sinners.
God can strike me dead before I finish this sentence, but if He/She does, it won’t be because I’ve finally gotten honest with myself and with Him/Her.
Unfortunate you. I have, without your permission, made you my Mother/ Father confessor.
Do I have more to say? I can always talk, endlessly it seems, but now just a few more comments about that…