Member-only story
This is a personal matter, and in no way is intended to encourage people to not write. Just the opposite.
There is so much wisdom presented by my friends on Medium, I find I really have nothing to add — most of the time. My writing now is mostly confined to commenting to my friends regarding their insights.
There are no “new truths”, I think, but there are innumerable ways of speaking them. Sometimes we may miss a truth stated one way, and hear it when stated a different way.
So, even though I hear all truths I can think of presented here, if I have a different way of saying it, that might be OK. Yes, I’m again talking to Rip.
Does it make sense to write about not writing? That’s a laugh. Kind of like talking about not talking. I tend to talk to myself most of the time anyway, and fortunately for you, much of it is not published.
I’ve said this before, as is true for most everything I say, but I consider myself very fortunate to have found this community of like minded seekers, and finders. I have far more to learn than to tell.
Can I honestly say I know anything? Yes. I know I don’t know. But, like the wise philosopher Rumsfeld said, there is much I don’t know that I don’t know I don’t know, or something like that. He didn’t know much about guerrilla warfare, but he wasn’t stupid.
OK. I guess I just wanted to say “Hi”, and to thank all of you for sharing your thoughts here. I…