Rip Parker
2 min read5 days ago

There is no greater quest. Of all human concepts, Truth is the greatest. Those who insist on living a lie will discover their folly. They will not be punished. They will be taught. We are here to learn. Some lessons are difficult.

For me, courage is required to be fully committed to Truth. It at first does not always feel comfortable. Truth can even, at first encounter, hurt, seem nonsensical.

The first major learning for me was the night preparing for prayer and meditation I had a choice to make. It seemed like a test, but was a teaching. As I made my usual commitment to accepting absolute Truth, wherever it leads, I realized I must confront the Institution’s admonition that accepting Jesus as “Lord” was the only way to find Truth and salvation, a concept that had always seemed unloving and unfair to me, I agree if that is the Truth, I must accept it, which I painfully agreed to do.

Since that commitment I have been shown numerous times, some through synchronistic certainty, that the institutional “requirement” is false. I’ll not preach my way through it now, but I’ll summarize that Jesus and I are together, much more than best friends. We understand one another and all is well in spite of my rejection of the “only way” admonition of the church.

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Some will say, “No. Love is the greatest human concept”. This is True. Love is the greatest Truth, so we are back to Truth as the final measure.



Rip Parker

Geophysicist, lawyer, mediator, student of Jung, phenomenology, semiotics