Seeing that you are a “Rob Bell” man tells me about all I need to know. Rob follows in the footsteps of Houston Smith. He represents the future hope for “Christianity”. Why the “ “s?
I belong to Christ, reluctantly at first. I know clearly what Jesus meant when he said to his friends, “You did not chose me. I chose you”. That certainly is true for me, and I suspect for you, as we ran the same trail — fast away from Jesus and his hypocritical, dumb-ass followers. I was in front of you by a bunch of years.
Yes, I belong to Christ, as informed by the Voice of Authority in a dramatic dream (dreams were the turning point for me during “Zen” meditation). BUT, I am NOT an “Institutionalized Christian”, i.e., I can not subscribe to institutional theology, and Rob, and so far as I can tell you, are with me on that. Those who insist Gandhi is in hell because he “was not a Christian” may well get a chance to visit there to find out. Mahatmas was (is) more Christian than a whole bunch of self-proclaimed “christians” I’ve come across — they are everywhere, not just in the so called “Evangelical” churches. They give Jesus, whom I prefer to call Jeshua ben Joseph, a bad name.
Damn, I gotta’ stop this. Talker as this lawyer is, I let it run away with me.
Apologies. Carry on, my man.