Thank you for this update. I hate to be the pessimist, but as a geophysicist I have followed this story about four years, and I see no quick slowing of warming leading to continuing ice melt off Greenland with increasing amounts of cold fresh water into the AMOC stream leading to a probable sudden collapse at any time. Less than a year later Europe will be iced in. The consequences of that are too large for me to speculate on other than economic collapse that will lead the world into depression. That’s us too. The human suffering will be eminence.
Interestingly, the magnetic poles are rapidly drifting toward the equator. The ice weight over Greenland is causing the land surface to rise with a probable increase in volcanic activity due to eased pressure.
All in all, these simultaneous changes are unprecedented in recorded history, therefore consequences can only be described as bad.
We must remember human activity is a major component in this newly christened Anthropomorphic era.
Being that the only constant in life is change, we are fully engaged in life.