The extent of your knowledge in this wonderful field so far exceeds mine I am hesitant to comment-but, of course I will.
Simple minds, like mine, seek simple ways to avoid the rabbit hole.
As I, in my simple mind, see quantum influences I see no extant particles. All I see are floating packages of quantum energies each playing their assigned roles in configuring our universe.
I see no fixed “things”, only the most vague and most awesome power extant - the quantum energy which will not lend itself to the limitations of the human mind.
However tiny the fundamental particles we presume may seem, they are not particles or things. They are quantum energies gathered together to produce specific effective.
The fundamental stuff of creation is energy permeating all that is, even consciousness.
This creative energy emanates out of Original Source, in and of, and is beyond measure and human comprehension.
Quantum energy is a thought by the All, the I AM.
You seem to be near genius, at least compared too me. If you read this far, I may have left you with a smile brought by my silly, simple dive into intellectual waters far beyond my capacity.
Whatever, carry on my friend. You stir a curious quest even amongst the simplest of us.