The older I get (now 85) the more I “know” and appreciate Gaia’s other residents, seen or, more often, unseen, unless you know how to interpret their markers placed carefully to attract the attention of friends. Friends are those who fearlessly but always respectfully never attempt to invade the space of the others, but are interested in loving friendship when roupossible.
They tolerate us, up to a point of offense, intended or not. The unseen world is filled with knowledge, wisdom, excitement, entertainment, enlightenment, and surprise. Do not rush into it. As you nicely point out, we are to offer fearless respect, and hold our place until clearly invited to interact, and then to do so very carefully, humbly, unpretentiously. My way of interaction is through connection directly with our mutual friends, animals and birds who regularly interact with our other unseen friends. These are the creatures who carry very clear and distinct messages to me from my unnumbered, unseen friends.
Thank you for this very nice, realistic recognition of our world of un-sensed friends,