Rip Parker
4 min read2 hours ago

The more I have observed this realm of physical life and death, and the now for me certain evidence of continuing consciousness beyond physical death, following 87 years of observation studying both the Tibetan and Egyptian Books of the dead, confirmed by the more recent and increasing NDE reports, the more I can no longer doubt the reality of the mysteries of our world and “life after death”.

The conclusive confirmation is scientific. Being a geophysicist as well as a Mediator/Lawyer, I have always been a man of science. This interest in and commitment to the scientific method does not assure I and others follow the scientific method without personal bias infecting our conclusions. We see “scientists” everyday sacrifice the scientific method in attempts to support their personal opinions to which they have publicly identified.

Looking for personal bias which could distort my presumed scientific observations and conclusions, it is necessary to consider my age of 87. This should not imply I am incapable of mental clarity, but it must be considered that my proximity to probable physical death sooner than later could easily cause personal bias to distort my views of objective science, so I refuse to proclaim my scientific views to be purely objective, without personal bias.

Take my supposed scientific views to be as any others, possibly distorted by personal bias. Since I seek to apply this skeptical analysis to my own opinions, I suggest it is appropriate for us all to do so.



Rip Parker

Geophysicist, lawyer, mediator, student of Jung, phenomenology, semiotics