This is in response to John Ege. These comments of your are so typical of you, my friend. Like a mediator, about which I know a little, you search through the in between spaces, avoiding being seduced by any extreme. In my studies of Jung I have long seen than when he speaks of “religion”, he is speaking to the spiritual longing of a spiritual entity. I think he was recognizing the inner need, known or not known, for spiritual connectedness. Typical of a good mediator, you can make an argument for both sides, because you are able to find some merit in both sides, but also you search for the common factor shared by both extremes. For many people, the natural inclination to a spiritual understanding is so deeply buried under their materialistic burdens that they have no clue there is a spiritual calling within them, but Jung and I agree, it is there, waiting to be uncovered, in this life or perhaps the next.