Rip Parker
5 min readApr 21, 2023



I recently wrote on the two basic different views of our subject. I did not do a very good job on attempting to describe the first and most common view. Perhaps, because of Chris Bledsoe, I did better on the second, more psychic/spiritual view many have of the Phenomenon.

I now think this is because I failed to deal with one of the biggest mysteries of UFO/UAP, and that is the many different expressions it takes as “subcategories”. This phenomenon expresses itself in a manner that indicates to me many different natures and agendas.

If there are alien creatures involved, they seem to show a probability of coming from different points of origin, with different natures and agendas.

For instance, we have the tic tac revelations that in 2017 broke this subject to the public with new intensity, gaining, finally, from our government the admission that this is a real phenomenon. Well — duhh!

But, the people we pay to serve us in government are still lying to their employers, you and me. The government obfuscation in the form of AARO, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, supposedly intended to inform Congress on what is going on is under the direction of Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick, formally chief scientist at the DIA Space and Missile Intelligence Agency.

Some supposedly in the know say Dr. Kirkpatrick is fully informed regarding the Phenomenon, yet his presentations to Congress are clearly stonewalling.

Our employees continue to hide the ball and lie to us.

Why? Who’s ass are they protecting? Who really is running this show?

I don’t know, but I am tired of it. We can rely on the Pentagon and all those it controls to do nothing but lie to us. We must find well qualified independent scientists with the balls to thoroughly investigate and honestly report to us. They must join together in this endeavor for mutual protection.

Incentives to protect whistleblowers must be enhanced by those in congress not already compromised by the Pentagon, if there are any.

— — —

Forgive my off target rant.

Back to the complex mystery we are talking about.

We have the tic tac stories of objects detected and described by our best military pilots that clearly defy physics as we know it. They are real, and represent Non Human Intelligence (NHI).

This fact is tacitly admitted by our government in its unqualified statement that this technology is not ours, and almost certainly not that of any other nation on earth.

So, where does this intelligence originate if not NHI?

Although they can not yet bring themselves to admit to NHI as the source of the phenomenon our government military spokesmen have painted themselves into that corner.

Some people think the tic tacs are the first of the phenomenon. Not in the least. For the USA the story goes back over 75 years of lying to us, belittling and mocking us. Before 75 years ago during WWII we had the “foo fighter” phenomenon which was our air force encounters with UAP.

The story of UFO/UAP goes back to before the beginning of recorded history, as discussed before. But, back to the tic tacs, an interesting report by Captain Favor was the case of the tic tac that played chicken with him, a Top Gun pilot, and then scooted off at blinding speed.

The real story there is that it covered 60 miles in five seconds to arrive at a secret location toward which he was about to go. The most interesting aspect of this was not the 30k mile per hour speed, but the fact that it went to a secret location. This seems to inject the element of telepathic abilities for the NHI flying the tic tac.

When in close proximity with one another, the tic tacs, and other strange craft (a sphere with a square inside it) played games with our pilots in almost dogfight fashion, sometime coming perilously close to collision.

The trickster nature of the phenomenon is often reported.

This ESP ability connects nicely with the psychic/spiritual experiences people have with the Phenomenon as discussed in my last article.

— — —

Some of the abductee experiencers report the presence of uniformed humans performing duties on the mother ships to which they were taken.

Don’t ask me. I just report what I’ve read numerous times from apparently credible people, like Terry Lovelace, “Incident at Devils Den”. Terry and I exchanged correspondence.

He has a credible, well documented history as a straight up guy and seems believable to me. It would be a real stretch to think he made all this up. His military record and history as a lawyer seem to support his authenticity.

There are many others telling similar stories. Their stories play more to the non psychic/spiritual nature of the phenomenon, but nothing about their experiences is in conflict with the psychic nature of the phenomenon.

A possible exception to that last statement may be the stories of personal troubles with painful procedures forced upon them in what some believe to be a hybridization program imposed upon humans by aliens without permission.

There is a peculiar mix of positive and negative experiences, but in my reading it seems even the negative experiences imposed upon unwilling humans by aliens seem to eventually produce positive benefits.

— — —

Having followed the Phenomenon since age 9, i.e. for over 76 years, I can not offer any summary of what is going on other than I have no doubt we are in the presence of NHI which interacts with us in telepathic communications (which I have experienced one time when clearly told “We have no busininess together at this time” following the fifth of a total of 7 flyby, “hello/goodbye” experiences).

I will not conclude anything about the real nature of the “others”. This is an enjoyable adventure for me. I sense it is far more positive than negative, and probably involves many more that one type of NHI from more than one place of origin.

I think it folly to try to deny that we are being required to encounter NHI and deal with it. This lies in the heart of The Shift. We have much to humbly learn.

There is no cause for fear. This is our destiny. It is for us to have courage, curiosity, humility, and to “boldly go where no man has gone before”.



Rip Parker
Rip Parker

Written by Rip Parker

Geophysicist, lawyer, mediator, student of Jung, phenomenology, semiotics

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