Rip Parker
3 min readJan 18, 2025



Spiritual reality, for many of us, is a given. We “believe” it to be real. A few of us experience it in direct ways on occasion, and no longer need belief. It becomes known.

Those of us searching for spiritual reality are attracted toward other mysteries we generally call “paranormal” (PN). I think of PN as normal but unusual, mysterious. This subject covers a wide range of events that those who experience them know are real and informative, exciting and frightening.

They range, depending on the observer, from ghosts to non human intelligence {NHI} as experienced with the UFO/UAP phenomena.

Formerly thought of as PN, but now recognized as quite normal by scholars and academics, are extrasensory phenomena (ESP). When we know what to look for, many of us discover we too possess these talents, even though expressed for most of us at random times, usually not available upon call. I am assuming most of you reading these thoughts are familiar with the several ESP talents.

Authentic Mediums advise us we are virtually constantly in the presence of departed spirits. Some, like John Edwards, have presented remarkable proofs of their contacts. Authentic Mediums, and other spiritually attuned folks often experience many different kinds of PN events.

All this provides reassurance and evidence of the spiritual reality that not only surrounds us but in which we participate, know it or not.

When we consider a reality we cannot sense, we tend to call it woo, and look away. This is a very natural, understandable response, but it separates us from the most important experience and knowing we can have.

As I sit here writing, as night comes over me, and think of the reality of my words, that here and now, as a spirit inhabiting a human body, I am in the presence of the great mystery of spirits present with me I have some difficulty accepting the truth I speak. I can’t sense it.

Experience leads to true Knowing. Hearing about, studying about, is to only know about, not to KNOW.

Many studies at The Institute Of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and several acclaimed universities have shown that prayer can be efficacious. I see no harm, for those who are so inclined, in praying that we may discover Knowing of our spiritual reality, but be prepared for surprises, some of which may be somewhat disturbing at first.

We have heard it said, “When two or more are gathered together …”. This too has been discovered to be true. When a group of two or more of like mind and intent come together to seek spiritual reality, astounding things may be experienced.

I do not attend church or subscribe to a designated religion, so I have little to no opportunity to join a focused group. I am essentially a lone seeker, but I on occasion experience events that even the scientist in me cannot doubt, events that jar the reality material experience presents.

My daughter cringes at the label “medium”, but she on numerous occasions has experienced events of spiritual presence that cannot be debated. Several of my most profound experiences have occurred in her presence.She lives at the interface. She does not need me to stimulate her experiences. I merely observe in awe.

I have had enough direct experiences of spiritual presence to say “I Know”. No faith or belief is necessary when you Know. It is a great blessing.

Although I Know spiritual reality, I remain largely ignorant of its vast nature. I see enough that I have no expectation of even glimpsing a substantial knowledge of that nature, but still I search.

Join me, won’t you? I have found that, due to our spiritual nature, two or more can “gather together” without being in each others presence. We naturally and without effort, when of the same mind, “spiritually” join together at any distance, reminding of the nature of Quantum reality where time and space do not exist as Impediments to coordinated action.

We, my friends, are of Quantum nature. We can see the truth in Jesus comment, “The things I have done, you shall do, and even greater”. For me, that meets with his goal for us, that we recognize our roles as sons and daughters of God, just as he is, and act accordingly.

Before my preacher’s hat gets too tight, I need to be quiet, let you ponder how you react to what has been said.



Rip Parker
Rip Parker

Written by Rip Parker

Geophysicist, lawyer, mediator, student of Jung, phenomenology, semiotics

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