Member-only story
Many of us have read and written on the mysterious concept of “The Shift”. Certain elements of The Shift stand out to me, as mentioned in this title.
I have studied Jung 45 years. Until the last 10 to 15 years I have been a member of a small, eclectic group of Jungian followers. Awakening to the wisdom of Jung is a definite marker validating The Shift.
I have suffered through the ignorance of those who have no clue regarding the man, his history, his insights. That is finally changing.
Today we are seeing a long delayed recognition of his brilliant teachings, including the coining and explanation of the term synchronicity to which many people refer as if they know the origin and full meaning and implications of this magical experience.
I started to label “synchronicity” a “concept”. That is wrong. It is an experience that reaches far beyond our concepts of truth.
I’ll not presume here to give you my thoughts on the meaning and nature of synchronicity. That has been spoken many times, by me and others. There is no education better than self-education which occurs when one is driven by great personal interest to learn about a subject seen as particularly important. Do your homework.
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What role does synchronicity play in “The Shift, if any?”