Member-only story
Having encountered the impossible, few will believe you. Some will think you have suffered a breakdown.
When your life reveals a positive change, and it will, when you accept the reality of the impossible event in which you participated, the mockers will watch you closely, and wonder.
Impossible things come in many categories. Many are involved with Extrasensory phenomena. Psychic, paranormal events are common.
The Pentagon program Star Gate feteared remote viewing. It seemed to be an impossible event that was proven beyond question. Several years and millions of dollars were dedicated to the program, which continues “underground”. Remote viewing outside Pentagon control continues with a few very talented people.
Typical examples of the “impossible” are:
UFO/UAP close encounters are not unusual. Ghost contacts are typical. Story by credible witness of place hauntings are common. Some very credible witnesses report verbal exchange with manifested ghosts. Manifestations of bilocation of humans are well known and documented.
Levitation has a well recorded, verifiable history in Hindu traditions and in the Catholic Church. There is a well established record of dramatic “flights” in front of the Pope, Bishops, and other credible witnesses by St. Joseph. St. Teresa of Avila speaks of her own unwanted levitation experiences which many nuns witnessed.