If I sound preachy, please know I preach to myself.
Often we hear wisdom spoken, or better, see it demonstrated by others.
Until we make wisdom our own, it is of no value.
And, how do we do so?
The essence of true wisdom is love, lived each day.
True love is expressed through our concern for others in every interaction, and between interactions.
When we find our desire for wisdom is for self improvement, we are on the wrong path.
Wisdom has no concern for self.
When our life each day is focused on the wellbeing of others, our benefit needs no attention, it is automatic.
Truth and wisdom are provided not only for our benefit, but first for the benefit of others.
When we are conduits for wisdom, we find its essence is love.
Love, to have firm foundations, must begin, ironically, with ourselves.
Only then can true love issue forth to others.
Once we accept self love, it automatically flows to others.
We are to question, “For whose benefit do we seek wisdom, truth, love”?
If our first concern is for self benefit, not withstanding our love of self, we are on the wrong path.
Then we find our “love of self” is not authentic.
Only when our focus is first on the benefit of others can we find light on our path.
Love of self is the tap root. The fruit of the tree is love for others.
Our goal is to find our beloved living a peaceful life.
Only then are we peacefully immersed in our unity with All.
Our goal is achieved day by day, moment by moment, as we experience true love.
When we find ourselves discomforted, as from time to time we will, we forgive ourselves in self love.
We critique our errors, learn, and then let criticism go.
Our goal is not perfection. It is simply to do our best.
We are not Gods. We are hybrids of God and man.
Guilt can reveal error needing correction. Guilt is not to be a way of life.
The only thing standing between us and self love is ourselves.
We are children of the Universe, with every right not just to be here, but to be who we are, as designed by our Source, exactly as we are.
Forgiveness always begins at home. Failure to forgive ourselves prevents us from loving fully.
There is no punishment, only lessons lovingly given.
When we accept ourselves exactly as we are, we are learning self love.
Then Love radiates out from us to all others.
When we judge others, we are judging ourselves.
When we fault others, we are faulting ourselves.
We are our only judges. We are to judge in love, forgiveness, understanding.
When we forgive ourselves, forgiveness of others naturally occur.
When we find our own peace, it flows to others.
We all truly are One with each other, and with the Universe.
We live each moment in final realization that ALL IS WELL.
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Searching for answers, we must have the right questions.
What is important to you?
Truth — baseline truth, is the final reality I am here to learn.
I am told, and accept, that Truth is Love, and love is light.
Do I fear? What do I fear? Why?
I fear living a lie. Then, somehow, I must be doing so.
Do not.
Question everything.
Find your current operating hypothesis.
Keep it until changed by credible evidence.
Fear nothing.
Trust your inner guide.
How do I know I have a truth telling, “inner guide”?
Being told by others is not good enough, however credible they may seem.
I know because I have been guided to events that produce acceptable results.
The best I now can do is be still in mind, and observe.
I do so, and observe unchosen, random thoughts come to mind. I listen and take note.
Back up a step, and connect the dots. See the pattern.
Observe your thinking and feeling. Do not criticize.
He is not you. He is a role you have taken on. You are the unnamed actor who apparently has played many roles.
See yourself. Feel what it is like to be in this body. Feel the subtle surrounding and infilling energies.
Be still. Let it be.
Fully accept and be grateful for this time and place, for this is all there is for you. It is enough.
You, the Actor, are invited to edit your script. Do so carefully, with guidance.
Observe your feelings. Step aside from them, but do not deny them.
You may call this writing a “Meditation”.