With a heavy dose of intellectualism, and an unfortunate diminution of attention to local psychology and folk lore, this is none the less a worthwhile look at attempting to analyze aboriginal wisdom as it might apply to Western approaches toward social progress.
Problem - aboriginal wisdom comes in a very different language than our overly intellectualized pronouncements. And, that purposely overlooked and ignored aspect of our studies of aboriginal societies is our loss. We have far more to learn from the aboriginal wisdom accumulated over thousands of years than we have to teach these wise people.
The real wisdom we are missing, due to our overly left brained way of looking at societies, is so far outside our typical Western approach toward real, non-materialistic wisdom it is now unlikely we could take a truly open, innocent, and humble approach toward learning deep aboriginal wisdom. To us it would appear as magic, and Lord knows our intelligencia wants nothing to do with that “non-sense”. That is our great loss to the arrogance of the left brain.
Are we captured by an unconscious sense of superiority over these “primitive” peoples? Probably, again to our loss.