Yes, this clarifies your position nicely. I hope I don't shock you with my agreement with your skepticism, which sounds like a true skeptic as opposed to the common misuse by "disbelievers" calling themselves "skeptics". I understand your doubts about other planet aliens. I wonder, since they have shown great attention to our nuclear rockets, turning them off and even on in Russia, if they just observing this dangerous and primitive species and want no interaction, are they concerned we will export our murderous inclinations closer to their home, wherever that may be, or just what the hell they are up to. If they are significantly more technically advanced than we do they have sufficient intelligence to not contact us?
I am not a strong proponent of the ET alien hypothesis, although I can't rule anything out.
I am never content to live with mystery indefinitely, but right now that's where I am.
Adding to the mystery is a rather obvious psychic interaction that I won't elaborate on now. Vallee' and Erick Davis (a prominent physicist I expect you know about and a man "on the inside" at the Pentegon are joining forces regarding the psychic overlay on what seems to be advanced materials and technology.
You and I will be benefited when we can squeeze a few drops of legitimate info from these guys.
In summary, I now get your points and appreciate your time to respond.
Be well.