You inspire much thinking. Following in random order are a few of my thoughts.
First, regarding acceptable evidence: as a geophysicist, I respect the scientific approach requiring controlled reproducibility, denyability, “hard” evidence, etc. As a lawyer, I know the value of the often dismissed “anecdotal” testimony. Witness testimony unsupported by “hard evidence “ can determine life or death in a court of law. Evidence doesn’t get more important than that. Eye witnesses can see different things from different perspectives. Innocent people have been convicted. The more perspectives available, the better. This is especially true regarding UFO/UAP.
When unrelated witnesses who know little or nothing about UFO/UAP history report very similar interactions in their abduction stories, they deserve serious attention and respect, at least the benefit of the doubt.
The growing recognition of connections between UFO/UAP, and paranormal events generally, harkening back to Jung, is a significant step forward in our deep exploration of The Great Mystery. I see one great mystery that subsumes unnumbered other sub-mysteries.
I’m not carrying this further now. This is not a stand alone article. It is merely an incomplete response to your fine article. Thank you.