You strike me as a sincere and intelligent man seeking understanding of an important subject, not attempting to start an argument.
The technology seen in these UAPs is not identified,. It is unidentified, at that is the problem. It is recognized as being far beyond any known earthbound technology.
Yes, the objects are unknown, created and guided by unknown intelligence. What the Pentagon has without equivocation said is that this technology is unmatched by any technology of human creation, not us, not Russia, not China. As the nature and origin of these craft are unknown, so is the obviously advanced technology they employ.
Best guesses seem to circle around mastery of antigravity, and who knows what else.
Your article make reasonable arguments regarding the source being alien from other planets, but it fails to address the knowns.
We know these objects are present in our atmosphere. We know that represent technology far beyond anything humans have developed. They dance around our most advanced tech. They perform in ways we cannot understand or replicate.
Do we simply ignore these givens, pretend they aren't true? No. We cannot in our national interest do that.
It seems we are at the point of simply having agree to disagree. We are reading the same reports and coming up with quite different interpretations.